Drew turned this in as an English project today, worried he's written too many papers about band.
I open my black case, and reach inside,
My hands close around a shiny object.
Quickly I attach the bell to the slide.
I twist the mouthpiece so it won’t eject.
My trombone is put together at last.
I hold the cold brass up against my face,
I take a deep breath and let a note blast.
Playing my trombone is my happy place.
My trombone and I have been through a lot,
In marching band we didn’t make the show,
Nevertheless we worked hard for a spot.
Us two have been friends since long ago.
Gently I unscrew its slide from its bell.
And put my trombone back in its black shell.He has come such a long way since the end of 5Th when he found out he has perfect lips to play the trombone. Which was not he 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice. He had taken drum lessons in hopes of playing percussion.
His whole 6Th grade year his trombone made it no farther than the back door, where he would drop if off in the afternoon and pick it up in the morning. Everything started "clicking" when try-outs for 7Th grade band started. To this day he has regret about not practicing enough and asks us why we didn't push him more. Like he would have listened!
Fast forward to 9Th grade and band is ALL he talks about. He can take any subject and turn it into a topic about band.

Summer band can't get here fast enough!