Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Boy Scout Camp June '08

I know, I know for those of you who faithfully come to our site everyday I've been an absentee blogger. Teen Bear and I have been hiding out, sad that summer is almost over!

While baby bear and this friend went to the Alamo and San Antonio.

But, I'm back ready to tell more stories and Teen Bear is making a video
of our talents, look for that soon! And school starts Monday, look for pics of HAPPY kids!

This summer Papa Bear and I have enjoyed not 1, but 2 weeks without kids.
Crazy I know, how do we survive! The first week was to a boyscout
camp 180 miles west.

Happy Campers

Papa Bear drove a group up and then came

home to spent a fun week with me.

Car party

More fun!

They look happy right? That's what Papa Bear PROMISED me.

That I had Nothing to worry about, the kids are fine.

He was half right. Everything was going great

until this one called home.... Upset

Begging to come home. So I did want any Mother would do. Jump in the car drive like a bat-out-of hell to pick Papa Bear up at go rescue Baby Bear. When I got there guess what Papa Bear said? 2 guesses. He's said "NO,We are not going to pick him up!" That right there was the recipe for unhappiness for the rest of our week.

All I could think about was this face hot, unhappy and wanting his own bed.

It was almost more than I could stand. Because all us Moms know our kids ALWAYS "save the drama for their Mama's!" It's not that he can't be away from home, he can. He just doesn't like to be uncomfortable. The next week he went with a friend and his family for 2 days and nights to a waterpark and he told them what a GREAT time he had a C.A.M.P.!!!!!!!

The look of someone who had a great time and
wants to go back as a camp counselor

This is the look of someone who prefers the Marriott and room service

PS- Only 5 of the 45 kids in the troop completed the requirements
for the 1 mile swim award-ours were 2 of the 5!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog, Goldilocks you are a wonderful mom, and Papa Bear you are definitely holding down the fort. Many Kudos...
Love seeing the boys grow like that.