In 2001 Papa Bear started commuting to work 35 miles each way on a
very busy and very fast toll way. At the time he was driving a
Honda Accord and driving 6 miles to work,
never getting on a freeway. His car had not one air bag!
It has always been REALLY important to me, that he is uber safe…
It has always been REALLY important to me, that he is uber safe…
Bubble Wrapped as I refer to it.
So we searched for the most perfect Volvo…a car
So we searched for the most perfect Volvo…a car
that would bubble wrap Papa Bear. This is what we found:
He loved his Volvo, I loved his Volvo. But, as everyone knows…all good things must come to an end. Papa Bear has a laundry list of things that need fixin’ and our kids that once swam in the back seat with tons of room, now look like sardines.
So… This is the new look of Bubble Wrap
Baby Bear says it's HIS favorite new car
Pretty isn't it?
Papa Bear's truck was bought on ebay at one that we both frequent.
Love the new vehicle, need one side by side to see them both. Bonding Time!
Joe has a pick up truck????????????What happened to that kid that bought himself a red convertible mustang???? mo
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