Friday, August 29, 2008

This One's for You Mr. F.!

Last night we went to the first HS football game of the season.

We lost 27-17 :(

But it was still a great night. The weather wasn't too hot, the kids ran around
and I gave myself the self appointed job of photographing this guy- #32

He's my sweet friends brother. She's with her friend No-No.

Wondering why there's no pictures of our kids?
I never saw them, the whole time we were there.
That's progress my friends, when we can go to an event as
a family and the kids ask, "Do we have to sit with you?"
To our delight we say, "NOOOOOO!" Then they scatter!

I taped 3 plays- there would have been 4, Mr. F.
But, your lovley wife didn't tell me until the last second
that he was on the field. Please have a talk with her!

In full disclosure, I was not there for the whole game
and he was in some plays before I got there.

It's not your eyes, it does blury

Da' Band

Is he going in, Is he going in

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